
Sunday, January 6, 2013

A brand new year!

2013 beach

I know, we’re almost a week into the new year already but I, for one, am still celebrating the fact that we’ve flipped the calendar from 2012 to 2013!  Hooray!

2012 was a bit of a crazy ride.  Definitely a life-changing year.  You can probably tell from my lack of posts that the last few months have been busy.  I’m not going to go back and re-cap the year…but the one bit of exciting news from the past few months is that I have just moved into a new house!  I’ve been in it now for about 5 weeks and I can finally say that I’m pretty much settled.  I still have a couple of rooms to paint and lots of decorating left to do but the boxes have all been emptied and I can actually find the things that I need for day-to-day living (a bigger deal than you’d think!).  It’s been about 14 years since I’ve moved into a new house…the longest we had ever lived in one place…but this time is a totally fresh start.  This is the first time that I haven’t had to decorate around other people.  This time it’s all about the things I want to surround me.  And, to be honest…I’m not sure how I ever decorated a house before Pinterest!   I’ve always been pretty good at visualizing how things are going to look but wow…with Pinterest it is so much more fun!  Don’t you agree?

I thought my scrapbook studio was going to be the first room to get a re-do…but actually I’ve done nothing to it…yet.  It is, however, the next room on my list.  Needless to say I haven’t been doing much scrapbooking either…but I’m starting to get back into it.  Today I thought I’d take a break from painting doors and climbing ladders and put together a couple of books.  I’ve just listed them in my etsy shop but of course I wanted to share them with you too…

I am Pregnant 1

I am Pregnant!  Paper Bag Scrapbook

I am Pregnant 2      I am Pregnant 3I am Pregnant 4      I am Pregnant 5I am Pregnant 6      I am Pregnant 7


You and Me 1

You and Me Paper Bag Scrapbook

You and Me 2      You and Me 3You and Me 4      You and Me 5You and Me 6      You and Me 7


It felt good to crank out a few new books.  I can’t wait till my new studio is done and organized so all my supplies are easily accessible again! 

Have a great week!



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