This week always feels like a little bit of “limbo land” to me. The time between Christmas and New Years. All the craziness of December falls away and I can finally revel in some down time. It would be wonderful…except I don’t do “down time” very well…unless, of course, I’m laying on the beach! :)
One of the perks of my job is that I have a little bit of time off at Christmas. I was done on the 22nd and don’t go back till the 3rd. Every year, as I’m looking forward to the time off, I always think I’ll get so much done around the house or I’ll do fun things with the kids while they’re home. Then I remember that my kids are actually looking forward to some much needed R&R after a hectic and exhausting schedule at college. They can’t wait to have some time to sit around and relax. So, we watch movies and play cards and then everyone retreats into their own space.
I typically spend a lot time inside my head during this week, thinking of the past year with its good points and its mistakes. I think ahead to the new year and to all the things I want to do differently. And, I spend time thinking about my new word-of-the year. I haven’t quite decided on my new word yet…but I’m hoping to nail it down sometime over the next couple days. Last year’s word was CHOICE and it was so helpful to me that I’m kind of reluctant to leave it behind. I get that way about “my word”. Very attached. This will be my fourth year of choosing a word. It all started with ACTION, then CHANGE, and then CHOICE. Looking back I’m pretty sure I should have done them in reverse order but oh well! I plan to bring a little bit of each of them along into 2012 anyway!
The end of the year also gets me thinking about how I want to move forward in the new year with my business. Some upcoming changes are going to present a few challenges to my usual scrapbooking routine but I’m hoping to work through it…or around it. One constant in my life is that I have always NEEDED a creative outlet. At times it’s the only thing that keeps me sane! :) I’ve had some new ideas floating around in my head for awhile and this just might be the year to expand and try something “outside the box”.
For now though…here are a couple new books that have found their way into my Etsy shop.

Remember to check out the SOLD (SALES) section in my Etsy shop to see other books I’ve done or to get ideas for a custom order.
Enjoy your day!