Ok. It just won’t stop. It’s been snowing now for about 24 hours. My VERY unofficial measurement is about a foot! Thankfully I don’t really have anywhere I have to go today and chances are it will be off the roadways at least by Monday…BUT I would be happy to just skip ahead to spring.
I must admit thought it is pretty and it’s putting me in a Christmas mood. I had hoped to do a little Christmas shopping last night after work but since we were in the midst of a blizzard (again, unofficial) I decided it was best to just come straight home. Typically my commute is about an hour. Yesterday? TWO hours and 10 minutes. Not that I was counting or anything. Urgh. I really do not like being on the interstate in a snowstorm…in the dark…with monster trucks flying (ok, not exactly FLYING) by me. I really think that 2+ hours of driving white knuckled and tensed up deserves a massage and a stiff drink at the end of it….but apparently that’s just MY opinion! :)
Sorry, enough ranting about the weather. On to FUN things. Like scrapbooking, of course. Christmas seems to bring out the CREATIVE in people. Not that Tim Holtz isn’t creative 365 days a year, but I’m in love with the Christmas tags on his blog this month.
This is day 4 of his 12 Tags of Christmas series. How AWESOME is this tag ??? I WISH I had even a fraction of his creativity….and his supplies! :) I’m starting to pick up a few things here and there but I feel overwhelmed and am never quite sure what to buy…and if I’ll know how to use it once I get it home! I definitely need to go to Ranger U to learn some techniques.
Teresa Collins is doing tags this month too! AND she’s doing a Favorite Things Giveaway each day (till Christmas, I believe). Go check it out.
I almost hate to put MY things in the same blog post as that amazing tag over to the left….but I do have a few new things in my Etsy shop. I’ll give you a sneak peek here but stop by my Etsy shop to see the entire line. There’s still lots of time (okay, maybe not LOTS….but enough time) left to make a purchase for Christmas…even a custom order. The cut-off for custom work (to arrive in time for Christmas) is December 15th. After that I’ll be spending time with my kids while they’re home from college.

Holiday Scrapbook

Mother Daughter Paper Bag Scrapbook

Disney Autographs Paper Bag Scrapbook

Winnie the Pooh & Friends Paper Bag Scrapbook
Enjoy your weekend…and holiday preparations!